While it was no Olaf (an animated, sentient, snowy friend created out of arcane magic), our little munchkins today had the chance to build their own adorable snowman.
It started off as most of our crafts do, putting a box of crayons in front of them and letting loose, seeing which colors and artistic choices they want to make. Oh boy, do they love crayons, we practically have to peel them out of their hands so we can move on!
At this age, kids are becoming more dexterous with their little fingers and have developed the ability to peel and stick using tape. This newfound ability excites them as you could endlessly pass them new parts to apply and they would find joy sticking them.

Our kids also have very good listening skills. As they were placing the pieces, I gave them relatively simple instructions (in English) on potential locations that they could stick them and would often heed that advice, placing them very close to that point. Our kids have been accustomed to listening to instructions in both English and Japanese and as early as one year old, they have an impressive understanding. We are all very proud of them!
And here it is!