It has begun! Winter school is finally here and starting off with a soft, delicious, flavor-filled bang… chocolate marbled bread.
Our apron-adorned culinary artisans had several tasks ahead of them to complete this masterwork pastry, all of which were done to perfection!
Sugar, yeast, flour, cocoa powder, salt, butter, warm water, egg yolk and a lot of love were put in a large bowl and mixed thoroughly, and it sure got difficult towards the end. After that, we got our hands into it, and we pushed and pulled, folded, wrapped then repeated to make the dough soft and fluffy, with very little practice, our kids were already experts!

Out comes the rolling pin! We flattened the dough so that they could be cut into thin strips. The strips were then twisted and coiled onto the baking sheet. They are then topped off with chocolate chips, because a lot of chocolate wasn’t enough!

After lunch, when you think everyone is full, they all found some extra space in their stomachs just for our chocolate marbled bread and there wasn’t a single complaint! Fantastic job, girls and boys!